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About Apostolic LAMP

Robert L. and Sue Nix

Apostolic Latin American Missionary Projects (Apostolic LAMP) was formed in 2009 as a furthering of the long-standing missions efforts of Robert & Sue Nix, veteran missionaries to Peru and Costa Rica and church pioneers in Arizona, Oregon, and Texas, USA.


The roots of Apostolic LAMP, however, go back 45 years, when, in August of 1966, Robert & Sue Nix first began their missionary labors for the nation of Peru. They were preceded in Peru by the Bill Drost Family and, later, the Dave Wiens Family, who received Robert, Sue, Kevin, and Keith at the Lima airport and proceeded to help them get settled in to a totally new life - but one which would be theirs for most of the remainder of their existence!.


There were three established Oneness Apostolic churches in the coastal area of the nation at that time, and one in the Amazon area. Robert Nix assumed leadership of the work in 1969, and the Nixes, along with the Dale Brown family  - who arrived in Peru in the month of June of 1969 - began earnestly developing the coastal and mountain areas of Peru, while also traveling to assist missionaries in the Amazon jungle areas.


In the month of April of 1969, Seminario Pentecostal Unida (our Bible School) was founded by Robert Nix in Lima; it has prepared hundreds of ministers and workers who serve all over Peru and other nations, as well.


In April of 1970, they founded a congregation in the Bible School building in Plaza Italia, located in downtown Lima, Peru, just six blocks from the Government Palace. God granted explosive growth and revival; they grew from less than twenty in the first service (counting the two missionary families) to well over 300 in six months’ time. That Bible School congregation, still in existence today, is pastored once again by Missionary Nix. It has been responsible, over the last four decades, for sending out well over 100 ministers and planting some 50+ churches across Peru.


1983-1998 marked a 13-year hiatus from Peru, in which time the Nixes served in Costa Rica for two years (while Robert Nix continued to lead the work in Peru) and then planted two congregations in the United States (Beaverton, OR and San Antonio TX). Finally, in 1998, they renewed their missionary endeavors in Peru - overjoyed to once again be laboring for the land they love.


In 2001, God opened doors and provided the funds for the purchase of an old cinema in an excellent area of the city. The Bible School and congregation moved there from the cramped facilities they had rented for almost 31 years, and again God has granted great growth and revival.


Today, Apostolic LAMP is working in fellowship with the Iglesia Cristiana Apostólica Pentecostal (ICAP, or Christian Apostolic Pentecostal Church), expanding into under-churched and unchurched areas of the country. The Bible School continues to service students from ICAP and other Oneness Apostolic church organizations and groups (including the United Pentecostal Church of Peru), and has satellite campuses in six different areas of Peru. They now have students in the United States, as well as other countries.


The Nixes always counted it the greatest privilege in the Kingdom to be working as missionaries in Peru...


On July 15, 2012 in Kansas City, Missouri, God saw fit to take Sister Nix to be with Him after a six-week (from time of diagnosis) battle with leukemia. She is sorely missed, and her grieving husband greatly desires and needs your prayers.


However, Brother Robert Nix has felt neither release nor diminishing of God's call on his life; therefore, on Saturday, September 29, he once again set foot on Peruvian soil, greeted by over 100 loving Peruvian people in the wee hours of the morning. 


By God's grace and with His strength, the work goes on...there is much to do.



Peru and Beyond

@2025 by Peru and Beyond


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